Keyword [ChestX-ray14]
Kumar P, Grewal M, Srivastava M M. Boosted cascaded convnets for multilabel classification of thoracic diseases in chest radiographs[C]//International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition. Springer, Cham, 2018: 546-552.
1. Overview
In this paper
- propose a cascaded DNN
- exploit smooth PWE loss
1.1. Multi-Label Classification
1.1.1. Binary Relevance (BR)
- not account for the interdependence of different class labels
- BCE loss
1.1.2. Pairwise Error (PWE) Loss
- maximzie the margin between positive and negative labels within an example
1.2. Architecture

- weighted sampling
1.3. Details
- randomly separate 20% for test
- 6-level cascading both for cross-entropy and PWE loss
- ReLU, 0.5 dropout between FC
- SGD 0.1
1.4. Results